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Open House

July 6, 2024, 11:00am to 2:00pm - Peggy Bancroft Hall

The Society’s annual Open House will be held at Peggy Bancroft Hall on Saturday, July 6. The museum and outbuildings will be open for tours, and visitors will be able to see a new display in the barn featuring manufacturing equipment and artifacts from the c. 1930s F.A. Madden & Son toy factory in South Sterling, On display will be a steam-powered lathe used in the turning mill and the tumbling barrels where millions of spinning tops and other small wooden objects were smoothed prior to painting in the adjacent “top shop.”

As in previous years, delectable homemade pies will be available for purchase beginning at 11:00, and for sampling throughout the day. The event will feature a flag-raising ceremony with representatives of the Patriotic Order Sons of America and members of the local Boy Scout Troop.  Peggy Bancroft Hall was built by the POS of A’s South Sterling Camp in 1904.

11:00 – Homemade Pie Sale

11:30 – 11:45 Flag Raising Ceremony

  • Patriotic Order Sons of America
  • Boy Scout Troop

The Open House is free and open to the public. Light refreshments, including pies, cookies, lemonade, iced tea, and coffee, will be available throughout the day. The event is sponsored through the generosity of The French Manor, one of our 2023 Business Partners.