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Telling Our Stories

GDHS Speakers Bureau

The Greene-Dreher Historical Society is pleased to offer the services of our Speakers Bureau for your organization’s meeting or event.  Our talks are on topics related to local history and generally feature PowerPoint presentations. The talks range from 30 to 45 minutes in length, and can be adapted to an organization’s specific needs. All of our speakers are volunteers. Depending on the topic, book signings and sales also can be arranged.

Hopedale Church Mission and the Newfoundland Settlement — 1830 – 1850, by Bernadine Lennon and Diane Smith.

  • How a small group of German immigrants established a community in the early 1800s that still exists today
  • Why they left their homeland to start a new life in America
  • What life was like in the early settlement
  • How the success of the early community was guided by the Moravian Church